2024.. A new website for my business.
I thought i would start a blog about myself, my photography and my photography sessions.
So who is this blog for ….
My customers, my future customers, any mums out there or just anyone who is interested in photography and the way i work.
I am Astrid and first of all i would like to say welcome to my new website, i hope you like, enjoy and find what you need browsing around. I made this website with my brand, business but also myself in mind.
I love the fact that i can represent myself as well as my business because at the end of the day i am my business and my business is me.
If you would like to get to know me a bit better i have made a “about me page” where you can read all about me and my business.
Why Little bird photography…???
Little bird photography was named after my son Harry, when he was a wee baby he used to make these really funny noises so we used to call him a little bird.
Here is a photo of Harry when he was at the age of bird making sounds :), here he is too tired to think about anything else other than to open his eyes for the photo.
I hope you enjoyed my first blog…
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